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Are you trying to understand immigration terms? It can feel like learning a new language. You might find the process confusing and frustrating. Hearing words like “green card” or “naturalization” might leave you scratching your head.

This blog aims to clear up that confusion by providing a user-friendly immigration glossary. By the end, you’ll better understand these key terms, making the immigration process less overwhelming. Let’s get started!

Core Immigration Terms

Core immigration terms include essential words you’ll encounter in the immigration process. Here are the most common:

Green Card

A green card, officially called a Permanent Resident Card, allows you to live and work permanently in the US. You can get one through family, employment, or other special categories. With a green card, you’re on the path to US citizenship.

US Naturalization

Naturalization is the process of becoming a US citizen if you weren’t born one. It involves living in the US for a certain period, passing an English and civics test, and showing good moral character. Once you become a naturalized citizen, you have the same rights as those born in the US, including voting and getting a US passport.

USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services)

The USCIS is the government agency that manages all immigration applications in the US. They provide essential services like processing visa applications, supporting asylum seekers, and handling naturalization ceremonies.

Visa-Related Terminology

Visa-related terminology covers different types of visas and their specific uses. Here are the most common you may find:

Non-Immigrant Visa

A non-immigrant visa lets you stay in the US temporarily. These visas are for tourists, students, and workers, among others. Each type has specific rules and time limits.

Immigrant Visa

An immigrant visa is for people who want to live in the US permanently. Unlike non-immigrant visas, these are for those planning to settle down. Categories include family-sponsored and employment-based visas.

Visa Waiver Program

The Visa Waiver Program allows citizens from certain nations to visit the US for up to 90 days without a visa. While it’s convenient, travelers must still meet particular requirements and register through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA).

Status & Documentation Terms

Status and documentation terms refer to different processes and documents you might need, such as:

Adjustment of Status

Adjustment of status is a process that lets you apply for a green card without leaving the US. This option is typically used by those eligible through family, employment, or other categories recognized by US immigration law.

EAD (Employment Authorization Document)

An EAD lets non-citizens work legally in the US. You need to apply for it and wait for approval. It’s crucial for those on certain visas or awaiting green card approval. With an EAD, you can work for any employer in the US.

I-94 (Arrival/DeparturUScord)

The I-94 is a record of when you enter and leave the US. Travelers receive it at the border or through an online system. It’s important to track your legal stay in the country. 

Master Immigration Terms with The Presti Law Firm

Navigating immigration terms can be both frustrating and confusing. The Presti Law Firm understands how tough this can be. With our expert and professional help, you’ll gain clarity and confidence in handling your immigration matters. Learning these terms will make your path smoother and less stressful.

Don’t get stuck in confusion and risk delays. Contact us to get the legal assistance you deserve for your immigration process.